Project description
Sometimes you are lucky enough to come across a used steel building that is suitable for both snow and wind loads. It is probably more common abroad. There are also not so large variations in the amount of snow that can fall. In Norway, this is definitely not the case. Here, snow loads often vary a lot between different construction sites. A good price for the steel can open up the possibility that the budget can accommodate insulated roofs and facade cladding. On this construction site, none of the wall panels were the same length. After careful measurement and correct production, the result was good. What cannot be seen from the pictures is that the outermost wall panels on the long wall cover the three steel arches, while the middle panel only covers two arches. In this way, the builder got a smaller panel in the middle of the long wall. The idea is that the panel can perhaps be replaced with a panoramic window in time. The builder himself was responsible for the construction. If I remember correctly, it was done under somewhat inclement weather conditions, but the result was just as good. Well delivered by both the builder and us. A building to be enjoyed.
Project details
Type of building :
224 m²
Delivery year:
Project address
Vossevangen, Norway
Contact Project Manager
Ragnar Aaserud
92 66 40 50